
技术选项 直接用Hugo 不要问我为什么 安装 // 安装hugo brew install hugo // 检查是否安装成功,查看版本 hugo env 目录 启动 hugo new site xiaoqiaotq-blog cd xiaoqiaotq-blog git init # 官方sample theme git submodule add https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke themes/ananke echo "theme = 'ananke'" >> config.toml # 本地测试预览 hugo server -D 添加gitignore # Generated files by hugo /public/ /resources/_gen/ /assets/jsconfig.json hugo_stats.json # Executable may be added to repository hugo.exe hugo.darwin hugo.linux # Temporary lock file while building /.hugo_build.lock .idea 主题 暂时找个个简单的,有时间在找 PaperMod https://adityatelange....

December 5, 2022