codepush是微软一套热更新系统,托管部署资源如 react-native , cordova 等 CodePush-CLI 是热更新客户端工具,目前微软已废弃,建议使用AppCenter-CLI Cordova 限制(只能更新静态资源,原生code不能更新) Any product changes which touch native code (e.g. upgrading Cordova versions, adding a new plugin) cannot be distributed via CodePush, and therefore, must be updated via the appropriate store(s). MainActivity 触发 webview 加载 file:///android_asset/www/index.html code-push-cli 常用命令 #安装 最新为3.0 我们用2 yarn global add code-push-cli@2 code-push -h # 会打开浏览器 弹出token code-push login # admin 123456 code-push login code-push whoami # 创建app 默认创建两个deployment Production, Staging #code-push app add <appName> <os> <platform> code-push app add sankyu-test android cordova # 查看应用 code-push app ls code-push deployment ls sankyu-test -k # 查看deployment #code-push deployment history <appName> <deploymentName> [options] code-push deployment history sankyu-test Staging code-push deployment history sankyu-test Production # 发布 版本以config....